High-level experimentalist's interface for arming the pulse picker
setup and specifying its timing parameters.
Note that there is quite some potential for confusion due to overloaded
terminology here. In normal experimentalist's usage, as well as this
high-level interface, the term "pulse" refers to an optical laser pulse.
A pulse picker is a device that selects from those pulses. To do that,
the Pockels cell driver hardware needs to be triggered by a number of
electronic pulses with certain delays between them, which is how the term
is also used in the low-level delay generator driver.
In a similar vein, the two pairs of high-voltage switches (high-side and
low-side in an H-bridge configuration) are referred to as "on" and "off"
in the labels and documentation of the pulse picker head, even though they
do not correspond to optical bright/dark (which is the XOR of their states).
Currently, only the BME_SG08p delay generator is supported, with its six
channels connected as following to a BME pulse picker driver head:
- A: OFF A
- B: <unused>
- C: OFF B
- D: <unused>
- E: ON A
- F: ON B
import copy
from .bme_delay_gen import Driver, OutputGateMode, PulseParameters
class InvalidTimingError(Exception):
"""Raised when the user specifies a set of parameters that violate the
hardware timing constraints."""
class TimingParams:
"""Stores different pulse picker timing parameters. All times in
#: 80 MHz repetition rate
#: The safe hardware limit is actually 50 us, but with the delay
#: generator currently running at 10 MHz, the trigger pulses themselves
#: end up being up to ~130 ns long, so be on the safe side.
def __init__(self, allow_long_pulses: bool):
self._allow_long_pulses = allow_long_pulses
self.offset_on_us = -0.0007
"""Timing offset to apply between nominally synchronous pulses to the
ON switches; positive meaning channel B being later."""
self.offset_off_us = 0.00165
"""Timing offset to apply between nominally synchronous pulses to the
OFF switches; positive meaning channel B being later."""
self.pre_open_us = 0.2069
"""Wait time between initial OFF pulse and ON pair."""
self.post_open_us = 0.209
"""Wait time between ON pair and second OFF pair."""
self.open_us = 0.01
"""Time between ON pair (i.e. optical pulse duration)."""
self.align_us = 0.00
"""Extra shift of the ON pair on top of pre_open_us, for useful units
when calibrating the timing relation to the laser pulse train."""
def ensure_valid(self):
Verify that the timing parameters are sane, raising an error if not.
This is quite important, as the hardware switches can be damaged by
triggering them in an inadequate way.
if self.open_us < 0:
raise InvalidTimingError("Pulse on time must not be negative")
if (not self._allow_long_pulses) and self.open_us > 2 * self.LASER_PERIOD_US:
raise InvalidTimingError("Pulse on time nonsensically long")
if (self.pre_open_us - self.open_us / 2) < self.MIN_SWITCH_INTERVAL_US:
raise InvalidTimingError("Pre-pulse delay too short")
if (self.post_open_us - self.open_us / 2) < self.MIN_SWITCH_INTERVAL_US:
raise InvalidTimingError("Post-pulse/reset delay too short")
if abs(self.align_us) > self.LASER_PERIOD_US / 2:
raise InvalidTimingError("Pulse train alignment nonsensically large")
if abs(self.offset_on_us) > 2e-3:
raise InvalidTimingError("Channel/channel ON switch delay longer than 2 ns")
if abs(self.offset_off_us) > 2e-3:
raise InvalidTimingError(
"Channel/channel OFF switch delay longer than 2 ns")
class PulsePickerTiming:
Create a new high-level interface for using the passed delay generator
to drive a pulse picker head.
:param delay_gen: The BME_SG08p instance to use. It will be configured
for the pulse picker head, its outputs initially disabled. None for
simulation mode.
:param allow_long_pulses: Whether to allow (optical) pulses that are
longer than sensible for calibrating single-pulse picking
def __init__(self, delay_gen: Driver, allow_long_pulses: bool = False):
self._delay_gen = delay_gen
self._times = TimingParams(allow_long_pulses)
if self._delay_gen:
[OutputGateMode.gate_or, OutputGateMode.gate_or, OutputGateMode.direct])
self._delay_gen.set_trigger(False, 0.0)
def disable(self):
"""Disable pulsing."""
self._enabled = False
def enable_gated(self, holdoff_us=0.0):
"""Enable pulsing, triggering one whenever the external gate input is
if self._delay_gen:
self._delay_gen.set_trigger(True, holdoff_us)
self._enabled = True
def enable_free(self, min_period_us=10.0):
"""Enable pulsing in a free-running manner, where pulses are triggered
whenever the laser sync trigger is asserted, but with a minimum period
(hold-off/inhibit) of min_period_us."""
if self._delay_gen:
self._delay_gen.set_trigger(False, min_period_us)
self._enabled = True
# Timing accessors. The repetition should be abstracted away with a dash of
# meta-programming magic.
def get_offset_on_us(self):
return self._times.offset_on_us
def set_offset_on_us(self, value):
new = copy.copy(self._times)
new.offset_on_us = value
self._times = new
def get_offset_off_us(self):
return self._times.offset_off_us
def set_offset_off_us(self, value):
new = copy.copy(self._times)
new.offset_off_us = value
self._times = new
def get_pre_open_us(self):
return self._times.pre_open_us
def set_pre_open_us(self, value):
new = copy.copy(self._times)
new.pre_open_us = value
self._times = new
def get_post_open_us(self):
return self._times.post_open_us
def set_post_open_us(self, value):
new = copy.copy(self._times)
new.post_open_us = value
self._times = new
def get_open_us(self):
return self._times.open_us
def set_open_us(self, value):
new = copy.copy(self._times)
new.open_us = value
self._times = new
def get_align_us(self):
return self._times.align_us
def set_align_us(self, value):
new = copy.copy(self._times)
new.align_us = value
self._times = new
def ping(self):
"""Return true (for ARTIQ controller heartbeat mechanism)."""
return True
def _update_pulses(self):
if not self._delay_gen:
if not self._enabled:
self._delay_gen.set_pulse_parameters([PulseParameters(False, 0.0, 0.0)] * 6)
def split_neg(x):
return (-x, 0.0) if x < 0.0 else (0.0, x)
s_a_off, s_b_off = split_neg(self._times.offset_off_us)
s_a_on, s_b_on = split_neg(self._times.offset_on_us)
open_at_us = self._times.pre_open_us + self._times.align_us
PulseParameters(True, s_a_off, 0.0),
True, s_a_off + self._times.pre_open_us + self._times.post_open_us,
PulseParameters(True, s_b_off, 0.0),
True, s_b_off + self._times.pre_open_us + self._times.post_open_us,
PulseParameters(True, s_a_on + open_at_us - self._times.open_us / 2, 0.0),
PulseParameters(True, s_b_on + open_at_us + self._times.open_us / 2, 0.0),