Source code for oitg.threshold

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.stats import poisson
from scipy.special import gammainc

[docs] def optimise_readout(bright_rate, dark_rate, dark_to_bright_rate=(1 / 1.168), p_bright=0.5): """Calculate optimal threshold bin time & threshold count The calculation assumes both bright and dark counts are Poisson distributed and gives a threshold minimising the error probability The calculation accounts for de-shelving during the readout bin time. See thesis: Alice Burrell, 2010 :param bright_rate: expected bright count rate in $s^-1$ :param dark_rate: expected dark count ratein $s^-1$ :param dark_to_bright_rate: dark state decay to become bright in $s^-1$. As this function seeks the global minimum error, the rate must not be zero. Default of 1/1.168 is the Calcium D5/2 shelf decay rate. :param p_bright: probability of encountering a bright state (default=0.5) :returns: (target_t_bin [s], threshold_count, p_error)""" thresh = 1 error_last = 1. t_bin, error = optimise_t_bin(bright_rate, dark_rate, thresh, dark_to_bright_rate, p_bright) while error_last > error: error_last = error t_bin_last = t_bin thresh += 1 t_bin, error = optimise_t_bin(bright_rate, dark_rate, thresh, dark_to_bright_rate, p_bright) return (t_bin_last, thresh - 1, error_last)
[docs] def optimise_treshold(bright_rate, dark_rate, t_bin, dark_to_bright_rate=0., p_bright=0.5): """Calculate optimal threshold threshold count for a given bin time The calculation accounts for de-shelving during the readout bin time. See thesis: Alice Burrell, 2010 :param bright_rate: expected bright count rate in $s^-1$ :param dark_rate: expected dark count ratein $s^-1$ :param dark_to_bright_rate: dark state decay to become bright in $s^-1$ :param p_bright: probability of encountering a bright state (default=0.5) :returns: (target_t_bin [s], threshold_count, p_error)""" # de-shelving increases the count rate of dark states (non-poissonian) # The no-de-shelving threshold is therefore a lower bound thresh_min = poisson_optimal_thresh_count(bright_rate * t_bin, dark_rate * t_bin, p_bright) thresh_max = bright_rate * t_bin # thresholds are discrete - could implement discreet optimisation, but the # range of values is small in practice. Therefore we can try all options thresh_vec = np.arange(thresh_min, thresh_max + 1, dtype=np.int_) err_vec = np.array([ calc_p_error(bright_rate, dark_rate, t_bin, i, dark_to_bright_rate, p_bright=p_bright) for i in thresh_vec ]) min_idx = np.argmin(err_vec) return thresh_vec[min_idx], err_vec[min_idx]
[docs] def optimise_t_bin(bright_rate, dark_rate, thresh_count, dark_to_bright_rate=0., p_bright=0.5): """Calculate optimal threshold bin time for a given threshold count The calculation accounts for de-shelving during the readout bin time. See thesis: Alice Burrell, 2010 :param bright_rate: expected bright count rate in $s^-1$ :param dark_rate: expected dark count ratein $s^-1$ :param dark_to_bright_rate: dark state decay to become bright in $s^-1$ :param p_bright: probability of encountering a bright state (default=0.5) :returns: (target_t_bin [s], threshold_count, p_error)""" t_bin_init = thresh_count * (0.5 / dark_rate + 0.5 / bright_rate) t_scale = 1e-4 err_scale = 1e-6 def p_error(x): return calc_p_error(bright_rate, dark_rate, x[0] * t_scale, thresh_count, dark_to_bright_rate, p_bright=p_bright) / err_scale result = minimize(p_error, np.array([t_bin_init / t_scale]), bounds=((1 / bright_rate / t_scale, np.inf), )) return result.x[0] * t_scale, * err_scale
[docs] def calc_p_error(bright_rate, dark_rate, t_bin, thresh_count, dark_to_bright_rate=0., p_bright=0.5): """Calculate error probability for Poisson statistics with de-shelving See thesis: Alice Burrell, 2010 :param bright_rate: expected bright count rate in $s^-1$ :param dark_rate: expected dark count rate in $s^-1$ :param t_bin: integration time in s. :param thresh_count: threshold count for discriminating bright/dark state (Assumes the exact threshold count is evaluated as dark) :param dark_to_bright_rate: dark state decay to become bright in $s^-1$ :param p_bright: probability of encountering a bright state (default=0.5) """ def p_n_given_dark(n): "Burrell Eqns 3.2 & 3.6" if dark_to_bright_rate == 0.: return poisson.pmf(n, mu=dark_rate * t_bin) rb_tau = (bright_rate - dark_rate) / dark_to_bright_rate eps = bright_rate * t_bin / rb_tau x_n = np.exp(-eps) * np.power(rb_tau / (rb_tau - 1), n) / (rb_tau - 1) x_n *= (gammainc(n + 1, eps * (rb_tau - 1)) - gammainc(n + 1, dark_rate * t_bin / rb_tau * (rb_tau - 1))) d_n = poisson.pmf(n, mu=dark_rate * t_bin) * np.exp( -t_bin * dark_to_bright_rate) + x_n return d_n # up-to & including thresh_count n_vec = np.arange(np.round(thresh_count) + 1, dtype=np.int_) p_error = (1 - p_bright) * (1 - np.sum(p_n_given_dark(n_vec[:-1]))) p_error += p_bright * np.sum(poisson.pmf(n_vec, mu=bright_rate * t_bin)) return p_error
[docs] def poisson_optimal_thresh_count(mean_bright, mean_dark, p_bright=0.5): """Optimal threshold rate in the absence of de-shelving The calculation assumes both bright and dark counts are Poisson distributed and gives a threshold minimising the error probability. The calculation neglects de-shelving and accidental shelving during the readout bin time. It is therefore not suitable for P(error) < 2e-4. See thesis: Alice Burrell, 2010 :param mean_bright: expected counts if the ion started in a bright state :param mean_dark: expected counts if the ion started in a dark state :param p_bright: probability of encountering a bright state (default=0.5) :returns: threshold_count """ thresh = np.log(p_bright / (1 - p_bright)) + mean_bright - mean_dark thresh /= np.log(mean_bright / mean_dark) return np.round(thresh)