import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple
from ...gate import GateSequence
def analyse(outcomes: Dict[GateSequence, np.ndarray]) -> float:
r"""Analyse a Robust Phase Estimation data set and return the gate rotation angle
Follows the algorithm described in [RKLM17]_.
:param outcomes: A dictionary mapping gate sequences to number of observed outcomes,
as returned by :meth:`oitg.results.collect_outcomes`.
:return: The final estimate for the target gate rotation angle, in
:math:`[0, 2\pi)`.
seqs = list(outcomes.keys())
lengths = np.array([len(s) for s in seqs])
idxs = np.argsort(lengths)
target_seq = seqs[idxs[0]]
# There will be two sequences of length 2; 2*target as well as target+pi_2. Find the
# right one and extract the pi_2 sequence.
for i in range(1, 3):
target_and_pi_2_seq = seqs[idxs[i]]
if target_and_pi_2_seq[:len(target_seq)] != target_seq:
raise ValueError("Second shortest sequence should be the target gate string"
"plus the π/2 implementation")
pi_2_seq = target_and_pi_2_seq[len(target_seq):]
if pi_2_seq != target_seq:
raise ValueError("π/2 implementation not found")
max_repeats, r = divmod(lengths[idxs[-2]], len(target_seq))
if r != 0 or (max_repeats & (max_repeats - 1)) != 0:
raise ValueError("Longest sequences should be power-of-two repeats of target")
max_power_of_two = np.log2(max_repeats).astype(np.int64)
pauli_xy_estimates = []
for i in range(max_power_of_two + 1):
current_len = 2**i
cos_outcomes = outcomes[target_seq * current_len]
sin_outcomes = outcomes[target_seq * current_len + pi_2_seq]
pauli_xy_estimates.append(((2 * cos_outcomes[0] / sum(cos_outcomes) - 1),
-(2 * sin_outcomes[0] / sum(sin_outcomes) - 1)))
return estimate_phase(pauli_xy_estimates)
def estimate_phase(pauli_xy_estimates: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) -> float:
r"""Obtain Robust Phase Estimation gate rotation angle estimate from Pauli
expectation values.
:param pauli_xy_estimates: For each of the exponentially lengthening sequence of
gates (2^k, k=0, ..., n), the projection onto the initial state on the Bloch
sphere (cosine in total angle), and that on the state rotated by -π / 2 (sine in
total angle). Assuming we start in the |+> eigenstate and the gate applied is a
Z rotation, the first element would be the Pauli X expectation value, the second
the Pauli Y expectation value.
:return: The gate angle estimate, in :math:`[0, 2\pi)`.
estimate = 0.0
for i, (xhat, yhat) in enumerate(pauli_xy_estimates):
current_len = 2**i
next_estimate = np.arctan2(yhat, xhat) / current_len
# Shift estimated angle into permissible region.
allowed_shift = np.pi / current_len
while next_estimate < estimate - allowed_shift:
next_estimate += 2 * allowed_shift
while next_estimate > estimate + allowed_shift:
next_estimate -= 2 * allowed_shift
estimate = next_estimate
return estimate % (2 * np.pi)