Source code for oitg.circuits.protocols.rbm.generate

"""Randomised benchmarking sequence generation.

In the same spirit as :mod:`oitg.circuits.clifford`, this implements pretty much the
most pedestrian scheme possible and just tracks the total unitary generated instead of
implementing stabilizer calculations.

from typing import List, Iterable, Tuple
import numpy as np
from ...clifford import GateGroup
from ...gate import Gate, GateSequence
from ...to_matrix import gate_sequence_matrix

[docs] def generate_rbm_experiment(group: GateGroup, sequence_lengths: Iterable[int], randomisations_per_length: int, pauli_randomize_last=True, interleave_gates=None, derive_shorter_by_truncation=False, seed=None) -> List[Tuple[List[int], GateSequence, int]]: """ :param sequence_lengths: List of sequence lengths to generate. For each length k, a number of sequences will be generated with k Clifford group elements (or `2 * k - 1` when interleaving a gate). :param randomisations_per_length: Number of random gate sequences for each given sequence length (twice that for interleaved benchmarking). :param pauli_randomize_last: If ``True``, the last Clifford element is chosen to invert the previous only gates up to a randomly selected Pauli group element, thus randomising the outcome between 0 and 1. This should always be used, as the analysis is susceptible to SPAM errors otherwise. :param interleave_gates: If not ``None``, the given gate sequence is interleaved between each two Clifford gates in a second copy of every sequence (to implement interleaved benchmarking). :param derive_shorter_by_truncation: Derive shorter sequences by truncating longer sequences (and then appending the appropriate inverse gate) instead of generating fresh random sequences. This can be handy for debugging when initially working out phase relationships in the experiment. :param seed: Base seed for random number generator. If not provided, an unpredictable seed is used. :return: A list of tuples `(clifford_idxs, gates, expected_result)` giving for each experiment to run the corresponding list of Clifford elements (`-1` for the interleaved gate), the gate sequences, and the respective expected results (as the canonical integer representation of the binary string of results, where for each qubit 0 indicates the initial state, and 1 the one orthogonal to that). For interleaved benchmarking, the sequences with interleaved gates comprise the second half of the list. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) sequence_lengths = np.sort(sequence_lengths)[::-1] if sequence_lengths[-1] < 2: raise ValueError("RBM sequences need to be at least 2 Clifford gates long") unfinished_sequences = [] for length in sequence_lengths: for _rand in range(randomisations_per_length): unfinished_sequences.append( [rng.randint(group.num_elements()) for _ in range(length - 1)]) if derive_shorter_by_truncation: break if derive_shorter_by_truncation: truncated_sequences = [] for length in sequence_lengths[1:]: for seq in unfinished_sequences: truncated_sequences.append(seq[:(length - 1)]) unfinished_sequences += truncated_sequences # Use a special marker index for the interleaved gates (if any), as we want to # preserve the user-specified implementation, rather than using the selected # Clifford group implementation. INTERLEAVE_IDX = -1 if interleave_gates is not None: # Make sure we can accept arbitrary GateSequence generators – we need to append # the list many times. interleave_gates = list(interleave_gates) interleaved_sequences = [] for seq in unfinished_sequences: interleaved_seq = [] for idxs in seq: interleaved_seq.append(idxs) interleaved_seq.append(INTERLEAVE_IDX) interleaved_sequences.append(interleaved_seq) unfinished_sequences += interleaved_sequences interleaved_matrix = gate_sequence_matrix(interleave_gates, num_qubits=group.num_qubits) finished_sequences_descs = [] for clifford_idxs in unfinished_sequences: def to_gates(idx): if idx == INTERLEAVE_IDX: gates = interleave_gates else: gates = group.gates_for_idx(idx) return gates + [Gate("barrier", (), tuple(range(group.num_qubits)))] gates = sum(map(to_gates, clifford_idxs), []) matrix_up_to_last = group.matrix_for_idx(clifford_idxs[0]) for idx in clifford_idxs[1:]: if idx == INTERLEAVE_IDX: matrix_up_to_last = interleaved_matrix @ matrix_up_to_last else: matrix_up_to_last = group.matrix_for_idx(idx) @ matrix_up_to_last if pauli_randomize_last: # "Mess up" the state tracking by appending a random Pauli per qubit, so # that the expected result is random. This works, as the extra "fake" Pauli # commutes through the last inverse element leaving at most a Pauli, as the # Clifford group stabilizes the Pauli group. pauli_idx = rng.choice(group.pauli_idxs()) matrix_for_inverse = group.matrix_for_idx(pauli_idx) @ matrix_up_to_last else: matrix_for_inverse = matrix_up_to_last last_idx = group.find_inverse_idx(matrix_for_inverse) clifford_idxs.append(last_idx) gates += to_gates(last_idx) # Calculate final state and convert expected measurement result to binary # string. final_matrix = group.matrix_for_idx(last_idx) @ matrix_up_to_last final_state = final_matrix[:, 0] result_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(final_state)) # This doesn't work for the qutrit symmetric subspace case, where one of the # intended outcomes is |01> + |10>. The ambiguity is taken care of by the # runner. # # assert np.isclose(abs(final_state[result_idx]), 1) finished_sequences_descs.append((clifford_idxs, tuple(gates), result_idx)) return finished_sequences_descs
if __name__ == '__main__': # Demonstrate sequence generation. from contexttimer import Timer from ....cache import cache_to_pickle_file from ...clifford import * from ...visualisation import save_circuit_pdf @cache_to_pickle_file("clifford_2q_xzpm2_cz") def get_c2(): print("Regenerating 2-qubit Clifford group...") with Timer() as t: c2 = make_clifford_group(2, get_clifford_2q_xzpm2_cz_implementation) print("...done ({:.3f} s).".format(t.elapsed)) return c2 lengths = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] num_randomisations = 3 with Timer() as t: c1 = make_clifford_group(1, get_clifford_1q_xypm_implementation) print("Generated 1-qubit Clifford group in {} s".format(t.elapsed)) with Timer() as t: result = generate_rbm_experiment(c1, lengths, num_randomisations) print("Generated {} 1-qubit sequences in {} s".format( len(lengths) * num_randomisations, t.elapsed)) with Timer() as t: c2 = get_c2() print("Loaded 2-qubit Clifford group in {} s".format(t.elapsed)) with Timer() as t: result = generate_rbm_experiment(c2, lengths, num_randomisations) print("Generated {} 2-qubit sequences in {} s".format( len(lengths) * num_randomisations, t.elapsed)) save_circuit_pdf("rbm.pdf", result[1][1])