Source code for

"""A few helpers for manipulating quantum states/channels as NumPy arrays."""

import numpy as np

[docs] def mat2vec(matrix): """Return the given matrix in vector form. As per NumPy shape conventions, this is done by stacking rows one after another. The convention chosen is irrelevant, though, as long as it is used consistently. See :func:`vec2mat`. """ return matrix.reshape(-1)
[docs] def vec2mat(vector): """Transforms a matrix-as-vector back into a matrix. See :func:`mat2vec`. """ float_dim = np.sqrt(vector.shape[0]) dim = int(float_dim) assert float_dim == dim return vector.reshape(dim, dim)
[docs] def projector(ket): r"""Return the projector :math:`\left|\psi\right>\left<\psi\right|` for the given ket :math:`\left|\psi\right>` as a dense matrix. """ return np.outer(ket, np.conjugate(ket))
def _sqrt_dim(a): float_dim = np.sqrt(a.shape[0]) dim = int(float_dim) assert dim == float_dim return dim
[docs] def choi2liou(choi): """Convert a superoperator in Choi representation to Liouville representation. With our normalisation convention, this is *almost* an involution up to the different normalisation factors. See :func:`liou2choi`. """ dim = _sqrt_dim(choi) return dim * np.reshape(choi, (dim, dim, dim, dim)).swapaxes(0, 3).reshape( (dim**2, dim**2))
[docs] def liou2choi(liou): """Convert a superoperator in Liouville representation to Choi representation. See :func:`choi2liou`. """ return choi2liou(liou) / liou.shape[0]
[docs] def avg_gate_fidelity(liou, target_unitary): r"""Compute the average gate fidelity of the given superoperator to the target unitary. :param liou: The superoperator, in Liouville form (i.e :math:`\overline{U} \otimes U` in the ideal case, where :math:`U` is the given target unitary). :param target_unitary: The unitary matrix of the target gate `liou` is supposed to implement. """ target_liou = np.kron(np.conj(target_unitary), target_unitary) dim = _sqrt_dim(liou) return (np.real(np.trace(liou @ np.conjugate(target_liou).T)) + dim) / (dim**2 + dim)