Coding conventions

  • Format all code using YAPF, and make sure flake8 ndscan passes. Configuration files for both are included, and should be picked up automatically by either tool. It is just not worth spending time on obsessing or arguing about formatting details. (Also, you won’t get past the automated CI checks if you don’t follow those styles.)

  • Unit tests are run using python -m unittest -v discover test; they are similarly required to pass in CI before a commit is merged.

  • Documentation is built using Sphinx, and automatically deployed to GitHub Pages. Use the Sphinx docstring format throughout (e.g. :param foo: Description for the "foo" parameter.), with regular Python annotations to document typing information. To locally check the finished HTML output, run make html in the docs/ directory and open docs/_build/html/index.html in a browser.


  • Underscores mean “package-private”, as in not to be fiddled with by users, but possibly accessed by other parts of ndscan. (This should likely change, towards actually meaning private and public, as the library slowly moves from an intentionally restrictive MVP towards a more flexible toolkit.)

  • describe() generally refers to producing JSON-compatible “stringly-typed” dictionary representations of various bits of the scan schema.