Definitions and Conventions
Variable names
We aim to have descriptive names, following PEP8, except for standard quantum numbers, for which we allow single-letter variable names:
: principal quantum number
: electron orbital angular momentum
: electron spin
: total electronic angular momentum
: nuclear angular momentum
: total (electron + nucleus) angular momentum
: magnetic quantum number. This is a good quantum number at all magnetic fields. In the low-field limitM = M_F
while in the high-field limitM = M_I + M_J
: electronic magnetic quantum number
: nuclear magnetic quantum number
We use SI units throughout this package:
Frequencies are in radians per second (
)Magnetic fields are in Tesla (
We define Rabi frequency, \(\Omega\), such that the pi-time is given by \(t_\pi = \pi / \Omega\).
We define saturation intensity so that, for a resonantly-driven cycling transition, one saturation intensity gives equal stimulated and spontaneous emission rates.
Levels and States
is designed to work at any magnetic field which is small compared with
the spin-orbit coupling. In this case we can use LS coupling and label levels by the
quantum numbers n
, L
, S
, J
and I
. These are assumed to be
“good” quantum numbers for all fields supported by the atomic physics package.
is a good quantum number at all fields however there is generally more than one
state with a given combination of (n, L, S, J, I, M)
When the interaction with the external magnetic field is weak compared to the hyperfine
interaction F
is a good quantum number. When the magnetic field is strong (M_I
) are good quantum numbers.
In the intermediate field regime none of F
, M_I
or M_J
are good quantum
numbers. Despite this, there is a general rule that when the energies of states are
plotted as a function of magnetic field (a Breit-Rabi diagram) the trajectories for
states within the same level with the same value of M
never cross. As a result,
despite not being good quantum numbers, either F
or (M_I
, M_J
) can be
used at arbitrary field to uniquely identify states, with the interpretation “this is
the value of F
/ M_J
) which this state would have if we were to
adiabatically ramp the magnetic field to zero (infinity)”. Note, however, that these
values do not generally correspond to the expectation value of the relevant operators;
they are not good quantum numbers.
Since we do not make any assumptions about the size of the field compared with the
hyperfine interaction we do not use either (F
, M_F
) or (M_I
, M_J
to uniquely identify states by. Instead, we uniquely identify states by an index into a
list of states ordered by decreasing energy (with index 0
being the atom’s
highest-energy state). This convention (as opposed to having index 0
be the ground
state) ensures that the Pauli operators have their conventional meaning and signs - for
example with \(\sigma_+\) being the raising operator and state energies
represented by \(H = \frac{1}{2}\omega\sigma_z\).
provides a number of helper functions to convert both
, M_F
) and (M_I
, M_J
) into state indices.
The Hamiltonian
To calculate the energies of each state we diagonalise the Hamiltonian:
\(\boldsymbol{\mu} = - g_J\mu_B\mathbf{J} + g_I\mu_N\mathbf{I}\) is the angular momentum operator.
\(A\) and \(B\) are the are the hyperfine structure constants for the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interactions respectively.
High-field basis
Internally, atomic_physics
often works in the high-field (M_I
, M_J
) basis
where the nuclear and electronic spins are decoupled, which makes calculations easier.
Note that these states are not generally energy eignestates.
We order the states in this basis by increasing M_J
and M_I
(the first state
corresponds to both M_J
and M_I
being 0) not by energy ordering.
We order our dimensions as \(J \otimes I\). The values of M_I
and M_J
each state in this basis are available through atomic_physics.core.Atom
high_field_M_I and high_field_M_J attributes.
We represent polarizations using Jones vectors: 3-element vectors, giving the complex amplitudes of the relevant field (electric / magnetic, depending on the transition) in Cartesian coordinates. The field \(\mathbf{A}(t)\) is represented by the Jones vector \(\mathbf{A}\) where \(\mathbf{A}(t) = \Re\left[e^{-iwt} \mathbf{A}\right]\).
The quantisation field is assumed to lie along z
. We make no assumptions about the
direction of propagation of the fields.
Jones Matrices
To help manipulating polarization vectors we provide helper functions, which produce
Jones matrices for a range of polarization transformations. The Jones matrices
are complex-valued 3x3 arrays, which act on the Jones vectors through matrix
multiplication (e.g. using numpy’s @
operator). Composite transformations can be
formed by chaining Jones matrices through matrix multiplication (right hand side is
applied first).
The Spherical Basis
Internally atomic_physics
often works with polarizations in the spherical basis.
This is a convenient choice because angular momentum operators have simple
representations. Helper functions are provided to convert between the Cartesian and
spherical basis.
The basis vectors are:
These vectors satisfy orthonormality relations:
In the spherical basis, we use the representation:
and represent the vector \(\mathbf{A}\) by the array
np.array((A_{-1}, A_0, A_{+1}))
The dot product of two vectors in the spherical basis is given by:
Matrix Elements
We will encounter Hamiltonians of the form:
Where \(\mathbf{A}(t)\) is the (time-dependent) electric or magnetic field vector and \(\mathbf{D}\) is some vector-valued operator. For example, the Magnetic Dipole Interaction Hamiltonian is given by \(H = - \boldsymbol{\mu} \cdot \mathbf{B}\).
We write the part of the Hamiltonian describing the interaction between two states \(\left|u\right>\) and \(\left|l\right>\), where \(\left|u\right>\) is the state with greater energy (the “upper” state) and \(\left|l\right>\) is the state with lower energy, as:
all operators act on the (u, l) subspace only.
\(\sigma_\pm = \frac{1}{2}\left(\sigma_x \pm i \sigma_{y}\right)\)
for simplicity, we have neglected the additional \(\sigma_z\) terms arising from interactions involving other states.
For now, we will neglect the \(\sigma_z\) and \(\mathbb{1}\) terms. These lead to effective frequency modulation of the drive field and will be treated in the next section. In this approximation, the Hamiltonian reduces to:
We express the field in terms of its Jones vector, \(\mathbf{A}\):
Moving into the interaction picture with respect to the atomic Hamiltonian \(H_0 = \frac{1}{2}\omega_0 \sigma_z\) this Hamiltonian becomes
from the identity:
it follows that:
Multiplying through, we find that:
Substituting into our Hamiltonian gives:
where we have defined the detuning \(\omega = \omega_0 + \delta\).
Making a rotating wave approximation, dropping the counter-rotating terms, results in the standard Rabi flopping Hamiltonian:
where “\(\mathrm{hc}\)” denotes the hermitian conjugate and the Rabi frequency is given by:
Frequency Modulation by the Drive Field
We now come back to the \(\sigma_z\) terms we neglected in the previous section (the \(\mathbb{1}\) terms turn into effective \(\sigma_z\) terms between different paris of states) we have:
This Hamiltonian is unchanged by moving into the interaction picture with respect to \({H_0}\). Expanding the form of the Hamiltonian we have
When we move the remainder of \(H^{ul}\) into the interaction picture with respect to this Hamiltonian we end up with time dependencies like \(e^{i\left(\delta + \alpha\cos\omega\right)t}\), which are equivalent to frequency modulation of our RF drive at the RF drive frequency.
We will generally ignores this effect, assuming that the modulation depth is sufficiently small for these terms to be negligible. However, if the modulation depth becomes non-negligible these terms will affect the dynamics and must be factored in.
Magnetic Dipole Interaction
The magnetic dipole Hamiltonian is:
We wish to find the Rabi frequency:
The angular momentum operator is given by:
We will work in the high-field (\(\left|I, J, M_I, M_J\right>\)) basis where the nuclear and electron angular momenta are decoupled. This allows us to consider the two angular momenta separately.
To evaluate the matrix element, we need to know the elements of the angular momentum operator in the spherical basis. These are related to the “ladder operators”, \(J_\pm\), by \(J_{\pm 1} = \mp \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}J_\pm\) and similarly for \(I\).
We thus have:
It follows that:
where: \(R_{ul} := (-1)^{q+1}\left<u|\mu_q|l\right>\) and \(q = M_u - M_l\). We will refer to \(R_{ul}\) as the “magnetic dipole matrix element”.
Selection Rules
From the above, it follows that:
The field \(\mathbf{B} = -B_{-1} \hat{\mathbf{e}}_{+1}\) drives only \(\sigma_+\) transitions, for which \(M_u - M_l = +1\).
The field \(\mathbf{B} = -B_{+1} \hat{\mathbf{e}}_{-1}\) drives only \(\sigma_-\) transitions, for which \(M_u - M_l = -1\).
The field \(\mathbf{B} = B_{0} \hat{\mathbf{e}}_{0}\) drives only \(\pi\) transitions, for which \(M_u = M_l\).
Rate Equations
Rate equations describe the evolution of state populations resulting from the interaction between an atom and a set of laser beams, neglecting the impact of coherent interactions between different transitions.
We describe the atom’s state at time \(t\) by the population vector \(\mathbf{v}(t)\), which gives the probabilities of the atom being in each state at time \(t\) (as usual, \(\mathbf{v}(t)_{-1}\) is the ground-state probability and \(\mathbf{v}(t)_0\) is the probability for the highest-energy state).
The transitions matrix, \(T\), describes the evolution of the state population vector over time:
Note that \(T_{i, j}\mathbf{v}_j\) gives the rate of population transfer from state \(j\) to state \(i\).
Assuming the laser properties (detuning, intensity, polarization) do not change with time, this differential equation can be solved to get:
The transition matrix is formed from two components: the stimulated emissions matrix, which describes the interaction between the atom and the laser fields; and, the spontaneous emissions matrix, which describes the atom’s behaviour in the absence of any applied lasers.
Note that, since \(T\) is a matrix, it should be exponentiated using numpy
Steady State
For cases where all states which are reachable by the atom can decay to the ground state (i.e. there are no “dark states” which the atom can get stuck in), the steady-state solution (\(t \rightarrow \infty\)) is given by the solution to the equation:
subject to the constraint that \(\sum_i \mathbf{v}\left(t\rightarrow\infty\right)_i = 1\) (i.e. we don’t want the trivial solution where there is no population in any state!).
We impose this constraint by converting the above to the equation:
NB no information is lost by removing the first row of \(T\) because it is rank-deficient, with only \(N - 1\) linearly independent rows for an atom with \(N\) states (the transition rate out of any state must be equal to the sum of the rates of transitions from that state into all other states).